
巴黎“世界最美麗臀部” 巴西和法國選手奪冠(圖片)

巴西的Nunes Fronckowiak和法國的Saiba Bombote分別贏得女子和男子組冠軍參賽選手
  “世界上最美麗的臀部”決賽12日在法國巴黎舉行,來自巴西的Nunes Fronckowiak和來自法國的Saiba Bombote分別贏得女子和男子組的冠軍。

1 則留言:

Tuesday Taylor 說...

QLF. That's the Texas housekeeper's version of WTF.

Amazing butts. I'm totally impressed with all the pretty butts you posted. Interesting comments.

We are reading your blog via our scandalous Chinese translator. BTW, nice ass to a scandalous housewife is a moneymaker.

Shake your moneymaker like, you wuz shakin' it for paper.